Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spring Cleaning

...and starting up again! I've let time and other jobs stand in the way of keeping this blog up -- I plan to do better in that department, Dear Reader.
    Maybe it's that spring seems to be creeping in. (Too slowly, darn it!) Maybe it's that some of the everpresent piles around the house are starting to diminish. But I feel like I'm slowly, painstakingly getting a toehold on life again.
   A good place to start is Get Rich Slowly, that bastion of good and common sense. Today, J.D.'s got an interview with Tom Stanley, the author of The Millionaire Next Door -- one of the best down-to-earth finance books I've ever read. Take a look. (Save even more by buying the book on Amazon -- used copies are only a penny right now, by using the link!)

It's nice to be back.